Sunday, October 28, 2007

Life as I know it today

Life is great, but extremely busy!! My days now consist of waking up at 5 am for clinicals, or 7 am for institute meetings and staying up late studying and doing homework. When I am not studying I am at work. Suprisingly I am so happy though! It is good to be busy and working hard and I am grateful for all that I am learning and experiencing now. Nursing is tough and many times I feel a little overwhelmed or inadequate, but it is great to be reaching this goal of mine. Hopefully my grades stay high and I can continue in this endevor until I am finished. (although there are times I wonder if I want to :) jk!
And just for anyone that is wondering (I usually get asked this question) I am not dating anyone seriously. . . There are many long stories that are connected to this, but I won't go into that. It is fun and I am getting to know a lot of great guys. I actually went on a date this weekend and had a lot of fun with a guy named Kyle. We'll see where it goes. :)

1 comment:

Gina said...

Keep up the good work, Nan. You'll be so glad you did! I'm proud of you!