Friday, October 17, 2008

Finally some things to post!

Look Who's Home!!
Yep, my bud Chase got home from his mission October 3rd. It has been fun to see him and reminice. I know you may be wondering what is happening with that. . . :) To make a long story short, we are just friends.
(Call for the long story and more details if you'd like :)

I have great roommates and friends!! Between work, school and other things we try to find some time to have fun. We are really good at that actually, but probably shouldn't as much as we do :) Life is good though, we should enjoy it!


Callie said...

Thanks for updating Nan. I'll call later for all the details. ;) Roomates are fun to have!

Wilsons said...

Hey, ok well thats good news. I will definitely need to know a little more about the details. Well it looks like you and your roomies have a great time, but I miss all of us hangin. I hope someone is going to plan something for this december for a get together. I think I will pass on planning this one, :) but we have to have one so we can at least send Tiff some pics.. and of course to see eachother. AND EDDIES BELLY!!! haha talk to you later.

nancy said...

I ran across your blog by accident but I found it ironic that we have the exact same name. My name is Nancy Ann Brown. To make it a little creepy I am from Orangeville. I have enjoyed looking at your blog and have enjoyed the little stories. Makes me miss the school life and single world. I can't wait to check back and find out about Chase.

Nancy Ann Brown.

I no longer live in Orangeville but in Arizona.

You are welcome to come visit.

Halee D. said...

K so who's the guy in the second picture Nancy Brown?