Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Summer of Love. . .

So this seems to be the summer for weddings, at least for everyone I know. Let's see. . . I have at least seven friends getting married before school starts again. Two of my good friends from college, Katie and Sarin are getting married. My best friend from home, Megan is getting married, which was a huge suprise because she just barely turned 19 and is getting married on the 7th of July. Wow, that is young, but it's ok because she is very happy and her fiance' Caden is a great guy, so who could blame her. So let's see, four ambassadors from CEU are getting married this summer, Brennen, Jacob, Keena, and Jamie. Oh and four girls from my home ward in PG. Let's see if I can get together enough money for all these gifts!! Just kidding. . . it is great that they are all getting married, and it is really fun, but at the same time a little sad to see some of my best buddies getting married. I even get to be the maid of honor for Sarin's wedding :)

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